FrequentLy Asked Questions
Q: Can I hold the property off the market while my application is being approved?
Yes. You can place a $200 hold fee towards the property. In the event the application for residency is not approved the holding deposit will be returned to the applicant. If, however, the applicant is approved, agrees to a move-in date, and the property is removed from the market, and the applicant then fails to sign the rental agreement, fails to provide the additional funds required for occupancy, or does not take occupancy on the agreed upon scheduled move-in date, the holding deposit will be forfeited. The holding deposit shall be applied toward the security deposit or rent when the rental agreement is signed.
Q: Does your Office have an After-Hours Drop Box?
Yes we do, If you need to drop off rent or any other paperwork you'll need to drop it off at our office front-door located at: 2929 E 96th Street Ste A
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Q: How long does the application process take?
This takes up to three business days.
Q: I did not have a pet when I moved in; may I have a pet now?
First, email your Property Manager of your request for a pet. Do not move a pet into the property without permission. TBH Management will contact the owner and submit your request. If the owner does allow the pet, an increased security deposit and fee will be required and a pet addendum must be signed.
Q: Is a personal check acceptable for first month's rent and security deposit?
No. The first month's rent and all deposits (security, pet, appliance) must be presented in certified funds. After the first month, you may pay your rent in a personal check, money order, or cashier's check.
Q: Is there an application fee and is it refundable?
Yes, there is a $40 application fee. No, it is not refundable. This is for us to run the reports needed to complete you application process.
Q: What information is needed to fill out an application?
All adults age 18 and over must present photo identification, social security card, proof of income and complete an application. The income requirement is 2 1/2 times the monthly rent.
Q: When I move out, what do I need to do to receive my full security deposit back?
We advise that you remove all personal belongings and clean the house thoroughly including floors, walls, trim, windows, bathrooms, counters, cabinets, appliances. All carpets should be shampooed. Gutters should be cleaned out. The roof should be free of leaves and debris. If you are responsible for lawn maintenance, then the grass and hedges need to be trimmed to a reasonable height and all beds should be free of weeds. We ask that all damages be repaired by a licensed contractor that is approved by TBH Management.
TBH Management
2929 E 96th Street Ste AIndianapolis, IN 46240
Tel: 317-542-1141

Property Management
We offer a wide range of property management services to fit your needs as a landlord or home owner.