Spring is just around the corner and you know what that means? Spring cleaning. Almost everyone's favorite thing to do, right? Well, I have a way of helping you out. It is the 30-day De-Clutter Challenge. Here is how it works.
Day 1 Empty one junk drawer
Day 2 Purge your clothes
Day 3 go through movie collection
Day 4 clean your tv stands
Day 5 go through your mail pile
day 6 clean off the kitchen table
day 7 purge 2 kitchen cabinets
day 8 donate old books
day 9 clean out your wallet
day 10 clean out your purse
day 11 purge out your makeup drawer
day 12 clean shower
day 13 purge bathroom cabinets
day 14 purge old shoes
day 15 purge more kitchen cabinets
day 16 organize the linen closet
day 17 purge medicine cabinet
day 18 clean out freezer
day 19 clear off kitchen counters
day 20 empty another junk drawer
day 21 clean out fridge
day 22 purge more kitchen cabinets
day 23 get rid of unnecessary accessories
day 24 clean out your car
day 25 organize toys
day 26 donate unused toys
day 27 donate old games
day 28 organize cleaning supplies
day 29 purge 2 more cabinets
day 30 clean
By the end of April, you will have a new decluttered and clean house. If you have a day that you can't use, then clean something else. Don't rest until the end.
With April you get lots of rain so, make sure that your gutters are clean and free of debris as well.
Until Next Time.........